How to live a normal life with Asthma

Rising levels of air pollution and growing population has increased the number of patients with Asthma and allergies in India. As per WHO, India has an estimated number of 15-20 million asthmatics today, further adding to the economic burden of the country. This is also taking a toll among children, with more than 10% of kids in 5-11 years age group being afflicted with the disease in the country.

Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways and is characterized by shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and tightening of the chest. An asthma attack occurs when a person with the condition comes in contact with an ‘asthma trigger’, such as allergens, smoke and chemicals. This causes swelling of the lining of the bronchial tubes, narrowing the airways and thereby reducing the flow of air to the lungs. With the rise of the disease has also increased the number of Asthma specialists providing attentive care and treatment in the country.

Your surroundings matter

People working in suffocating environment or where they are constantly exposed to fumes, gases, dust or hazardous chemicals become more prone to developing asthma. According to a report, workplace conditions are responsible for 11% cases of asthma worldwide. Around 70% of asthmatics also have other allergies. The season of pollination induces the maximum cases of asthma attacks in patients due to exposure to outdoor allergens.

A seemingly trivial ailment, this epidemic claims many lives every year, almost all of which are avoidable. Most people do not consult an Asthma specialist for their condition and end up aggravating the problem. Though no cure for asthma has been discovered till now, but with awareness and a little extra care, a person with asthma can lead a normal, healthy and a long life.

Meeting an Asthma Specialist in your locality will help you understand of your condition better and come up with a treatment to control your asthma symptoms.

Managing Asthma in daily life

Vehicles filling the roads and increasing industry waste are some of the important factors adding to pollution, and there is not much that one can do about this. However, taking the right precautions can lower the risk of allergies and symptoms for asthma patients. The severity and triggers for every person are different. So you must consult an asthma specialist to get a proper diagnosis of your condition and know what your triggers are. Minimizing exposure to the triggers along with following practical measures will help you keep asthma under control.

1.)    Understand your symptoms and trigger factors: Consult an Asthma Specialist to know what things you are allergic to, so that you can keep a distance from it. Living in cities, it is difficult for most of us to be separated from pollution. But covering your face or wearing a mask will reduce the effect of pollutants and dust. Also, avoid coming in direct contact with chemicals, pollens or other things causing attacks.

2.)    Take proper medication for Asthma: Ask your Asthma Specialist what medications need to be taken regularly. Always keep your inhaler handy in case of sudden attacks and add your doctor’s contact number in your phone for emergencies.

3.)    Keep your family and friends informed: Intimating your family about your condition will keep them well informed and prepared in cases of emergency. It will also keep them cognizant of your allergic reactions to certain things. Check for asthma triggers in your home are weed them out.

4.)    Keep stress and anxiety at bay: Stress and anxiety also increases asthma symptoms in patients. Try meditating every day to lower the stress levels and keep asthma under control. Ask your specialist for ways to reduce your stress.

5.)    Regular exercise: For maintaining good health and improve the lungs function, it’s advisable for asthma patients to exercise every day. Create a daily physical routine involving lesser exertion and small intervals with your doctor. Exercising will help to reduce the asthma symptoms.

For a proper management of your asthma make a treatment plan with your doctor. To find an Asthma specialist in Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad or any other city in India, log on to

asthma normal 2016-12-12

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