Easy Ways to Tackle Your To-Do List

Summer has started, but it seems we’re busier than ever. Plans, projects and meetings that we put off “until summer” have caught up with us and they can make the dog days a little overwhelming. If your to-do list is growing like a weed, here are seven ways to trim it down to something more manageable before the fall leaves turn.

  1. Prioritize: If you’re looking at a to-do list that’s miles long, pick three things that must get done immediately and prioritize those items. Think WIN – What’s Important Now – and get those items crossed off first.
  2. Get Appy: You’re already glued to your smartphone, so you might as well use it to get a few things done! There are countless apps to help manage time and tasks, but here are four of the most popular.
  3. Say No:  Do you find yourself overcommitted and over-scheduled? Then you’ve probably agreed to do too many things. Here are some tips to saying “yes” to only those important, valuable tasks and invitations.
  4.  Make Your Bed: It sounds silly, but by simply making your bed each morning you will cross off one task before you’ve even had breakfast. This seemingly small accomplishment generally inspires us to complete lots of other tasks on our list.
  5. Fit in a Workout: Feeling stuck on a particular task? Get your heart rate up! Even if it’s just for a quick walk around the block, getting your limbs moving and your blood flowing will spark your creative mind and motivate you to complete tasks.
  6. Start Early:  One of the best secrets to successful project execution is to begin preparing in advance. Start weeks or days before your project is due, completing as much as possible ahead of schedule. Even if you have months or weeks to meet a deadline, if you can get it done today, do it.
  7. Long-Term Goals Belong on a Long-Term List: Erase the items on your to-do list that are serious long-term commitments. “Lose 10 pounds,” “Buy dream house,” and “Finish War and Peace” do not belong on your daily calendar – they’ll only make you feel less productive by not accomplishing them.

Here’s hoping you implement these tips for a successful, motivated, accomplished summer. And for more ideas for a fulfilling and eco-friendly lifestyle, stay connected to the Just Energy website and Eco-Centric blog, and make sure to like Just Energy on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!






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