5 Clean Energy Ways to Make Mom Happy

5 Clean Energy Ways to Make Mom Happy

Posted on May 8, 2018 by Mike Strayer

If you look up the definition for powerhouse you’ll see that it is defined as “a person or thing of great energy, strength, or power.” Below it, you’ll see a picture of Mom — the glue that holds everything together and keeps the house running smoothly. She makes sure the kids get to school on time, ensures that dinner makes it to the table, and balances all the bills to make sure they all get paid on time.

With so much on her plate that she manages to so flawlessly keep under control, Mom deserves a day that only belongs to her.

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and it can be hard to find the perfect gift for the woman who does so much for you. Whether you are celebrating your wife or your mom, don’t scramble for a gift at the last minute!

Here are five simple, clean energy ways to tell Mom thanks:

1. Turn Off The Lights

How many times has your mom yelled at you for keeping lights on when you’re not even in the room? Take this time to break the bad habit and turn off the lights when you’re not using them! According to US Department of Energy, about ten percent of your home energy goes to lighting costs. Flip the switch and open up the curtains for some natural light instead.

Not a fan of letting all that sun in? Replace all the lights in your house with energy-efficient LED bulbs and you could actually help reduce energy costs $75 a year.

2. Conserve Water

Did you know that the average bathroom faucet flows at a rate of two gallons per minute? According to the EPA, if you turn off your tap while you brush your teeth, you can save up to 200 gallons a month. Multiply that by the average number of people in each household and you could save almost 800 gallons of water! Not only would you be making Mom happy by saving her a few dollars on the water bill, but you’ll also be able to help Mother Earth conserve her water. Maybe this will be the year that Dad can finally install Smart Sprinklers to conserve water and help Mom easily manage the garden and lawn!

3. Unplug Your Electronics

Nope, it’s not a myth— keeping electronics plugged in can actually use a good amount of energy (this is known as phantom energy). Taking time to unplug all of your cords can be a pain, so US Department of Energy suggests that you use an electric power strip so it only takes one button to stop using multiple electronics. This can help reduce energy costs up to $100 a year on home energy, which means less “shifting money around” and more money for a family vacation! If you want to calculate how much energy your electronics are really using, you can do so using this energy saver calculator.

4. Garden Together

Give Mom more of what she wants this year: quality time outside. Plant a few trees, tend to some flowers, and get into some good conversation.

According to the Eco Guide, one pound of produce alone can release approximately .18 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air from transportation alone! By helping Mom plant a garden, you can help reduce that amount of air pollution and have fresh produce right in your front yard. Mom will be thankful to save on gas costs going back and forth to the grocery store and Mother Earth will be grateful you’re putting in the efforts to conserve what she so graciously provides.

5. Get Her the Latest and Greatest in Home Energy

Keeping the house cool without breaking the bank doesn’t need to be old school anymore. Ditch the old thermostat and install Just Energy’s Ecobee smart thermostat so Mom can control the temperature of each room in the house with her smartphone.  Whether she’s out running errands, grabbing groceries, or at work, she can have the comfort, convenience and control of the temperature she needs! With Ecobee geofencing automation, it will know when she’s on her way home and adjust the thermostat to the perfect temperature by the time she arrives. No more coming home to a house that has been baking in the sun all day!

This year, celebrate your powerhouse Mom with the gift of home energy savings.

For more information on home energy savings this summer, visit Ecobee Smart Thermostat.


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